‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,’ exhorted Thomas H. Palmer’s 1840 Teacher’s Manual. US writer Dale Carnegie later advised: ‘Develop success from failures.’ For ‘discouragement
As ChatGPT celebrated its second anniversary on 30 November, it is worth looking back at the first generation of legal AI to realise how dramatically the legal tech
Powerful voices have called for the recognition of a new type of privilege for mediators – a ‘mediation privilege’. This would be wider than the established without prejudice
Lois Yvonne Bayliss Application 12496-2024 Admitted 2006 Hearing 2-4 September 2024 Reasons 9 October 2024 The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal ordered that the respondent should pay a fine of
The low down Unlike crime, civil justice struggles to command the attention of government. Yet elements of both systems are in crisis. Many personal injury claimants, for example,
Globally, Spain is the state with the highest number of unpaid investment awards against it. Not only is Spain not paying, it is also indicating that it will
At the table Back row (l-r) Eduardo Reyes Law Society Gazette; Rob Dalling Jenner & Block; Anna Bradshaw Peters & Peters; Victoria Hodges Teacher Stern; John