SDT decisions and SRA interventions

Richard Gregory Barca

Application 12486-2023

Admitted 1986

Hearings 15-17 April 2024

Reasons 26 April 2024

The SDT ordered that the respondent should pay a fine of £30,000.

Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal sign

While he was practising as a solicitor at Wilson Barca LLP, during a hearing before the SDT, the respondent had allowed misleading submissions to be made on his behalf (in relation to lending money to clients), thereby breaching principle 6 of the SRA Principles 2011, in relation to clients P, I and J.

The respondent had entered into financial arrangements with existing clients where there was an own-interest conflict or a significant risk of an own-interest conflict, thereby breaching outcome 3.4 of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011 and principle 6.

The respondent had been motivated by his desire to assist his clients and by the possibility of personal gain.

He had caused harm to the reputation of the profession. There was no evidence of direct harm to his clients. Indeed, his clients had provided witness statements and given evidence stating that his conduct had assisted them during their times of need.

His actions were deliberate, calculated and repeated but not with the intention of committing misconduct. He ought to have known that his conduct was in breach of his obligation to protect the public and the reputation of the profession.

In mitigation, his cooperation with the investigation and his limited and late insight were noted.

A financial penalty was appropriate and proportionate. A fine of £30,000 adequately reflected the level of misconduct.

On 14 May 2024, the  adjudication panel resolved to intervene into the former sole practice of Roderick William Ramage, formerly at Copehale, Coppenhall, Stafford ST18 9BW.

Mr Ramage passed away on 10 May 2024.

The ground of intervention was: it was necessary to intervene to protect the interests of clients or former clients of Roderick Ramage – paragraph 1(1)(m) of Schedule 1, Part I of the Solicitors Act 1974 (as amended).

Emma Porter of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, SHMA SRA Interventions, PO Box 18228, Birmingham B2 2HX (tel: 0300 247 2470) has been appointed to act as the intervention agent. The intervention notices were served on 16 May.

The SRA will be making arrangements to uplift the practice files.

On 6 June 2024, the adjudication panel resolved to intervene into the practice of Paul Tennant Normandale, practising at Aston Gowman Ltd of The Mille, 1000 Great West Road, Brentford TW8 9DW.

The grounds for intervention into Normandale’s practice at Aston Gowman Ltd were:

  • Normandale had failed to comply with the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors (2019), and the SRA Code of Conduct for Firms (2019) which are rules made under sections 31 and 32 of the Solicitors Act 1974 (as amended) (paragraph 1(1)(c) of Schedule 1 to the act).
  • It was necessary to intervene to protect the interests of clients (or former or potential clients) of Normandale (paragraph 1(1)(m) of Schedule 1 to the Solicitors Act 1974 (as amended)).

The grounds for intervention into Aston Gowman Ltd were:

  • Normandale as a manager of the firm, and the firm itself, had failed to comply with the SRA Code of Conduct for Firms (2019), and the SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors (2019) which are rules applicable to him as a manager of the firm, and the firm itself, by virtue of section 9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 (as amended) (paragraph 32(1)(a) of Schedule 2 of that act).
  • It was necessary to intervene to protect the interests of clients (or former or potential clients) of the firm (paragraph 32(1)(e)(i) of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 (as amended)).

Chris Evans of Lester Aldridge, Russell House, Oxford Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EX (email:; tel: 01202 786 341) has been instructed as the Society’s agent. The first date of attendance was 7 June 2024.

On 12 June 2024, the SRA intervened into the remainder of the firm Alexander & Partners, formerly of 52 High Street, London NW10 4LS and Springfield Farm, Brailes, Banbury OX15 5HJ. The firm closed on 18 December 2023.

The ground of intervention was: it was necessary to intervene to protect the interests of clients (or former clients) and/or the interests of the beneficiaries of any trust of which the firm is or was a trustee – paragraph 32(1)(e) of Schedule 2 to the Administration of Justice Act 1985.

Emma Porter of Shakespeare Martineau, SHMA SRA Interventions, PO Box 18228, Birmingham B2 2HX (tel: 0300 247 2470; email: has been appointed to act as the intervention agent.

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