For this month’s roundup podcast, Sonia and I manage to rattle through a huge volume of updates in a mere 36 minutes. We cover a load of cases, some important asylum policy updates and then several developments in immigration law as well. We’re sorry it is a little later than usual; the Easter holidays intervened. And I am sorry if you can hear scaffolders poles bouncing off the pavement outside the block of flats opposite my house…
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The 30-minute podcast follows the running order below.
Permission granted on additional grounds in the Rwanda case in the Court of Appeal
Court of Appeal emphasises absence of corroboration is not fatal in asylum cases
Court of Appeal dismisses appeal against criminalising small boat arrivals
Legal challenges against GPS tagging for people on immigration bail
High Court considers how the loss of work may engage article 8
No recourse to public funds policy found unlawful (again)
“High hurdle” for hotel accommodation challenges?
Refusals of naturalisation on good character grounds can only be challenged by irrationality
Amended data protection exemption for migrants declared unlawful
Asylum policy
UK spends one third of international aid budget on domestic asylum costs
Are the new asylum questionnaires fit for purpose?
Assisting with the new asylum questionnaires: OISC Level 1 caseworkers and volunteers
Home Office publishes guidance on streamlined asylum processing for children
Home Office’s approach to family reunion applications condemned by immigration inspector
Borders Inspector “frustrated” by lack of action from Home Office
Immigration policy
New statement of changes to the Immigration Rules HC1160
Spring budget migration announcements
New ‘Appendix Adult Dependent Relative’ to the immigration rules