New immigration application fees from 4 October 2023

The government has published the new application fees previously announced earlier this year. The statement describes the increase as being made “to pay for vital services and allow more funding to be prioritised for public sector pay rises”. The explanatory memorandum provides a bit more detail: “an increase of 15-20% is being sought across a range of different immigration and nationality products and services in order to significantly contribute to wider Home Office funding objectives”.

The memorandum summarises the changes as:

  • A 15 per cent increase to fees on visit routes, with the exception of visits for up to 2 years, where a 6 per cent increase is applied to ensure that the new fee is within the bounds of the fee maximum that was in force at the time the increases were agreed cross-Government, as set out in the Immigration and Nationality (Fees) Order 2016.
  • A 15 per cent increase to fees on work routes. In some cases, a proportionally lower fee increase is being made to ensure that the new fee is within the bounds of fee maxima that were in force at the time the increases were agreed.
  • Alignment of fees on the student route, with the out of country fee increased by 35 per cent to align with the in-country fee (which is at the level of fee maximum that was in force at the time these increases were agreed).
  • A 20 per cent increase to fees on wider entry clearance routes (for example, Route to Settlement), as well as for settlement and applications for British citizenship. A lower 4% increase is applied to the fee for ‘Route to Settlement – Refugee Dependent Relative’, to reflect the recent refresh of unit costs
    published in April 2022 in line with the historical policy position to endeavour to set these fees at the unit cost.
  • Increases to fees for Convention Travel Documents to maintain alignment with the fees charged for equivalent passport products. This follows an increase to passport fees that came into effect on 2 February 2023.
  • A 19-20 per cent increase to fees charged for Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) and Confirmations of Acceptance of Studies (CAS), which have not previously been increased since 2016.
  • Alignment of fees charged for optional PV and SPV expedited application processing services, across applications made in and out of country. PV will be aligned at £500 and SPV at £1000. This results in a 100% increase to PV fees charged out-of-country and a 25% increase to SPV fees charged in the
    UK, as well as a 13% decrease in the fee charged for the Priority Settlement service in the UK.
  • An increase in the User Pays Visa Application Centre (VAC) fee from £55 to £76.50, to reflect increased commercial costs.

The immigration health surcharge increase from £624 to £1,035 per year will be introduced later this autumn. This is subject to a different process (draft affirmative) than the application fee increase as both Houses of Parliament need to vote to approve the changes, so it will take longer for that to come into force.

The regulations provide for most changes to take place on 4 October 2023, with two exceptions. New route ‘Appendix Gurkha and Hong Kong military unit veteran discharged before 1 July 1997’ will be added to the rules on 5 October 2023, so the £1,846 fee will apply from then. The £10 fee for an Electronic Travel Authorisation comes into force on 25 October 2023 which is the date the applications open.

It is also important to note what hasn’t been changed. The explanatory memorandum states that it was only the need for technical arrangements to be put in place that prevented a 20% increase to the £1,048 fee for limited leave to remain. Once those issues have been resolved, further regulations will be made to implement that increase.

The full list of old and new fees from 4 October is below.

1. Visas and applications made outside the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Visit visa – short up to 6 months £100 £115 £15
Visit visa – long up to 2 years [footnote 1] £376 £400 £24
Visit visa – long up to 5 years £670 £771 £101
Visit visa – long up to 10 years £837 £963 £126
Visiting academic – more than 6 months but no more than 12 months £200 £200 £0
Private medical treatment visa – more than 6 months but not more than 11 months £200 £200 £0
Transit visa (direct airside transit) £35 £35 £0
Transit visit visa (landside transit) £64 £64 £0
Visa for the purpose of joining a ship or aircraft as a member of the crew of that ship or aircraft £64 £64 £0
Electronic Visa Waiver £30 £30 £0
Single-entry visa to replace a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) £154 £154 £0
Certificate of Entitlement Nationality Right of Abode (outside the UK) £388 £388 £0
Transfer of Conditions (Vignette Transfer) application made overseas £154 £154 £0
Other visa £531 £637 £106
Hong Kong British National (Overseas) for 30 months – main applicant and dependants £180 £180 £0
Hong Kong British National (Overseas) for 5 years – main applicant and dependants £250 £250 £0
Route to Settlement £1,538 £1,846 £308
Route to Settlement – other dependant relative £3,250 £3,250 £0
Route to Settlement – refugee dependant relative £388 £404 £16
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as the dependant of a member of the armed forces under Appendix Armed Forces to the Immigration Rules £2,404 £2,885 £481
Indefinite leave to enter the UK as a foreign or Commonwealth citizen discharged from HM Forces under paragraph 13 of Appendix Armed Forces to the immigration rules £2,404 £2,885 £481
Call out/ out of hours fee (per hour/part hour) – service of consular officers £142 £142 £0
Receiving, preparing and forwarding documents – consular functions £141 £141 £0
Administrative review £80 £80 £0

2. Work – applications made outside the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Innovator Founder – main applicant and dependants £1,036 £1,191 £155
Endorsement fee under Innovator Founder route (payable to endorsing body) excluding VAT £1000 £1,000 £0
Start-up – main applicant and dependants £378 £435 £57
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Global Talent £456 £524 £68
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is required £167 £192 £25
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is not required £623 £716 £93
Global Talent – dependants only £623 £716 £93
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – dependants only £623 £716 £93
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – dependants only £1,036 £1,191 £155
Tier 1 (Investor) – main applicant and dependants £1,638 £1,884 £246
Skilled worker, where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less – main applicant and dependants £625 £719 £94
Skilled Worker, where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years – main applicant and dependants £1,235 £1,420 £185
Skilled Worker – shortage occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
Skilled Worker, shortage occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years – main applicant and dependants £943 £1,084 £141
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £247 £284 £37
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £247 £284 £37
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
T2 Minister of Religion – main applicant and dependants £625 £719 £94
International Sportsperson where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for 12 months or less – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
International Sportsperson where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over 12 months – main applicant and dependants £625 £719 £94
Temporary Work – Seasonal Worker, Religious Worker, Charity Worker, Creative Worker, International Agreement, Government Authorised Exchange and Youth Mobility Scheme – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Representative of an overseas business – main applicant and dependants £625 £719 £94
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – up to 3 years – main applicant and dependants £625 £719 £94
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – more than 3 years – main applicant and dependants £1,235 £1,420 £185
Global Business Mobility – Graduate Trainee – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – Service Supplier – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – UK Expansion Worker – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – Secondment Worker – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Scale-up – main applicant and dependants £715 £822 £107
High Potential Individual – main applicant and dependants £715 £822 £107

3. Study – applications made outside the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Student – main applicant and dependants £363 £490 £127
Child Student £363 £490 £127
Short term student studying English language for more than 6 months but not more than 11 months £200 £200 £0

4. Optional premium services outside the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Priority Visa service – Settlement £573 £500 -£73
Priority Visa service – Non-Settlement £250 £500 £250
Super Priority Visa service £956 £1000 £44
User Pays Visa Application service £55 £76.50 £21.50
The provision of an immigration officer to provide any premium service relating to entry into or transit through the United Kingdom (per hour per officer) £77.40 £77.40 £0
International Contact Centre – Email Service (per query) £2.74 £2.74 £0
International Contact Centre – Telephone Helpline (per minute) £0.69 £0.69 £0

5. Optional premium services in the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Super Priority service £800 £1000 £200
Expedited processing – Priority service £500 £500 £0
On-Demand service (Mobile Biometric Enrolment) (per hour per representative of the contractor providing the service) £650 £650 £0
The provision of an immigration officer to deliver any premium service, to a Government Department, relating to entry into or transit through the United Kingdom £57.33 £57.33 £0
The provision of an immigration officer to deliver any premium service, relating to entry into or transit through the United Kingdom (per hour per officer) £77.40 £77.40 £0
Premium status checks and advice – Administrative Officer (per minute)[footnote 3] £0.80 £0.80 £0
Premium status checks, advice or training – Executive Officer (inside office hours) (per minute) [footnote 3] £0.88 £0.88 £0
Premium status checks, advice or training – Executive Officer (outside office hours) (per minute) [footnote 3] £1.10 £1.10 £0
Premium status checks, advice or training – Higher Executive Officer (inside office hours) (per minute) [footnote 3] £0.97 £0.97 £0
Premium status checks, advice or training – Higher Executive Officer (outside office hours) (per minute) [footnote 3] £1.23 £1.23 £0

6. Premium services at the border

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Registered Traveller (Adult) – Yearly Subscription (per year) £50 £50 £0
Registered Traveller (Child) – Yearly Subscription (per year) £24 £24 £0
Registered Traveller – Registration of New Documents £20 £20 £0
Fast Track – Heathrow £5.20 £5.20 £0
Fast Track – Other ports of entry £3.00 £3.00 £0

7. Work – applications made in the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Innovator Founder – main applicant and dependants £1,292 £1,486 £194
Endorsement fee under Innovator Founder route (payable to endorsing body) excluding VAT £1000 £1,000 £0
Start-up – main applicant and dependants £508 £584 £76
Approval letter from a competent body in respect of an initial application for Global Talent £456 £524 £68
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is required £167 £192 £25
Global Talent – main applicant – where Approval Letter is not required £623 £716 £93
Global Talent – dependants only £623 £716 £93
Graduate Route – main applicant and dependants £715 £822 £107
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – dependants only £623 £716 £93
Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) – main applicant and dependants £1,292 £1,486 £194
Tier 1 (Investor) – main applicant and dependants £1,638 £1,884 £246
Skilled Worker, where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less – main applicant and dependants £719 £827 £108
Skilled Worker, where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years – main applicant and dependants £1,423 £1,500 £77
Skilled Worker, shortage occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
Skilled Worker, shortage occupation where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years – main applicant and dependants £943 £1,084 £141
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £247 £284 £37
Skilled Worker – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation – Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for three years or less [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £247 £284 £37
Skilled Worker – Shortage Occupation –Health and Care Visa – where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over three years [footnote 2] – main applicant and dependants £479 £551 £72
T2 Minister of Religion – main applicant and dependants £719 £827 £108
International Sportsperson where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for 12 months or less – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
International Sportsperson where a certificate of sponsorship has been issued for over 12 months – main applicant and dependants £719 £827 £108
Temporary Worker – Seasonal Worker, Religious Worker, Charity Worker, Creative Worker, International Agreement Worker, Government Authorised Exchange Worker and Youth Mobility Scheme – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Representative of an overseas business – main applicant and dependants £719 £827 £108
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – up to 3 years – main applicant and dependants £719 £827 £108
Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker – more than 3 years – main applicant and dependants £1,423 £1,500 £77
Global Business Mobility – Graduate Trainee – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – Service Supplier – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – UK Expansion Worker – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Global Business Mobility – Secondment Worker – main applicant and dependants £259 £298 £39
Scale-up – main applicant and dependants £715 £822 £107
High Potential Individual – main applicant and dependants £715 £822 £107

8. Study – applications made in the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Student – main applicant and dependants £490 £490 £0
Child student £490 £490 £0

9. Other applications made in the UK

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Visitor Extension – main applicant and dependants £1000 £1,000 £0
Leave to enter for persons in the UK who are liable to immigration detention £1,048 £1,258 £210
Leave to remain– Other £1,048 £1,048 £0
Hong Kong British National (In-country) for 30 months – main applicant and dependants £180 £180 £0
Hong Kong British National (In-country) for 5 years – main applicant and dependants £250 £250 £0
Processing an application which is subsequently rejected as invalid £25 £25 £0
Indefinite leave to remain – main applicants and dependants £2,404 £2,885 £481
Replacement Biometric Residence Card (issued under the EU Settlement Scheme) which has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed £19 £19 £0
Replacement Biometric Residence Permit which has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed £19 £19 £0
Travel Document – Certificate of travel – adult £280 £280 £0
Travel Document – Certificate of travel – child £141 £141 £0
Travel Document – Convention travel document – adult £75 £82 £7
Travel Document – Convention travel document – child £49 £53 £4
Administrative Review £80 £80 £0
Life in the UK test £50 £50 £0

10. Nationality

Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Naturalisation (British citizenship) [footnote 4] £1,250 £1,500 £250
Naturalisation British overseas territory citizens £1,000 £1,000 £0
Nationality registration as a British citizen – adult [footnote 4] £1,126 £1,351 £225
Nationality registration as a British citizen – child [footnote 5] £1,012 £1,214 £202
The arrangement of a citizenship ceremony (including the administration of a citizenship oath and pledge at the ceremony). £80 £80 £0
The administration of a citizenship oath, or oath and pledge where the oath, or oath and pledge, are not administered at a citizenship ceremony or by a justice of the peace. £5 £5 £0
Nationality registration – British overseas territory citizen, British overseas citizens, British Subjects, British protected persons – adult £901 £901 £0
Nationality registration – British overseas territory citizen, British overseas citizens, British Subjects, British protected persons – child £810 £810 £0
Renunciation of nationality £372 £372 £0
Certificate of Entitlement Nationality Right of Abode (In the UK) £372 £372 £0
Nationality review £372 £372 £0
Status Letter (Nationality) £250 £250 £0
Non-acquisition Letter (Nationality) £250 £250 £0
Nationality correction to certificate £250 £250 £0
Nationality – supply of a certified copy of a notice, certificate, order or declaration £250 £250 £0
Nationality reissued Certificate £250 £250 £0
Fees category Current Fee New fee from 4 October 2023 Fee Change
Premium Sponsor Service (12 months) Worker sponsor and Temporary worker sponsor – large sponsors £25,000 £25,000 £0
Premium Sponsor Service (12 months) Worker sponsor and Temporary worker sponsor – small sponsors £8,000 £8,000 £0
Premium Sponsor Service (12 months) Student sponsors £8,000 £8,000 £0
The expedited processing of a sponsorship management request made by a Worker sponsor or Temporary worker sponsor £200 £200 £0
Priority service for expedited processing of sponsor licence applications £500 £500 £0
Worker sponsor licence (large sponsor ) £1,476 £1,476 £0
Worker sponsor licence (small sponsor) £536 £536 £0
Student sponsor licence £536 £536 £0
Temporary Worker sponsor licence £536 £536 £0
Worker and Temporary Worker sponsor licence (large sponsor) £1,476 £1,476 £0
Worker and Student sponsor licence (large sponsor) £1,476 £1,476 £0
Worker, Temporary Worker and Student sponsor licence (large sponsor) £1,476 £1,476 £0
Temporary Worker and Student sponsor licence £536 £536 £0
Worker sponsor licence (large sponsor), where sponsor currently holds a Temporary Worker and/or Student Sponsor Licence £940 £940 £0
Endorsement fee for a Scale-up sponsor licence under Endorsing Body Pathway (payable to the endorsing body) excluding VAT £1,500 £1,500 £0
Student sponsor basic compliance assessment £536 £536 £0
Sponsor action plan £1,476 £1,476 £0
Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS): Skilled Worker, T2 Minister of Religion, Global Business Mobility – Senior or Specialist Worker £199 £239 £40
Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) – Temporary Worker including Global Business Mobility – Graduate Trainee, UK Expansion Worker, Service Supplier and Secondment Worker route, and Scale-up route £21 £25 £4
Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for International Sportsperson route – Over 12 Months £199 £239 £40
Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) for International Sportsperson route – Up to 12 months or less £21 £25 £4
Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS) for student, child student £21 £25 £4
  1. Application fee of £100 where the applicant is a Chinese national applying in mainland China under the Chinese visa scheme 
  2. Skilled Worker visa fees are reduced for those qualifying for Health and Care Visa and the fees after reductions are shown above  2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  3. Administrative Officer, Executive Officer and Higher Executive Officer are Civil Service staff grades.  2 3 4 5
  4. The citizenship ceremony fee of £80 will be added to the application fee  2
  5. Additional £80 per applicant is required to cover the ceremony fee should the minor turn 18 during the application process. This will be requested at point of decision. 

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